- Selaus julkaisuajan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt (Käyttörajattu kokoelma)

    • Planering av elsaneringsåtgärder 

      Törnström, Jeremias (2022)
      Detta examensarbete handlar om elplanering av ett egnahemshus var elmontören inte följt elplanerarens direktiv utan i stället tagit saken i egna händer och gjort som han ville. Detta resulterade i flera felkopplingar som ...
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    • How natural disasters have an effect on where young adults travel 

      Olin, Oscar (2022)
      As natural disasters are a big part of the world we live in now, this thesis evaluates travel behaviour before experiencing a natural disaster, and compares it to travel behaviour after experiencing a natural disaster. The ...
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    • Do business students in Finland have better financial well-being than non-business students? 

      Mäki, Max (2022)
      This paper research the difference in financial well-being between business and non-business students. It uses previous literature that previously established a strong correlation between good financial literacy and good ...
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    • Prevention and Management of Type2 Diabetes: Nurses ́s Role 

      Yakub, Haireeya (2022)
      Type 2 diabetes can be described as a global epidemic with its pressing impact affecting developed as well as newly emerging economies. Its severity is largely predicated on its associated complications. Type 2 diabetes ...
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    • Integrering av Digital Experience Platform i CMS-undervisningen inom en modern IT-utbildning: en jämförelse mellan DXP och WordPress 

      Heikkinen, Sani (2022)
      IT-branschen är under ständig utveckling, och därav är det viktigt att regelbundet uppdatera IT-utbildningens kurser och dess innehåll. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka ifall det vore lämpligt att tillämpa Liferays ...
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    • Machine learning for assessing chloride resistance of concrete 

      Taffese, Woubishet Zewdu (2022)
      Predicting the chloride resistance property of concrete accurately is critical in structural engineering. This thesis project adopts a state-of-the-art machine learning algorithm, XGBoost, to predict the chloride migration ...
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    • Vilken nytta ger en aktiv hantering av Google företagsprofiler för företagare 

      Kaitemo, Niklas (2022)
      Google företagsprofiler är företagens nya skyltfönster. När man söker efter restauranger, butiker, eller andra tjänster via Google kommer det upp en lista med företag i din närhet kopplade ihop med Google kartor (Google ...
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      Atanga, Josephine; Mwangi, Caroline; Ghimire, Dibya (2022)
      Background: There is a global scarcity of healthcare workers, particularly in Western countries such as Finland resulting in a greater reliance on foreign-trained professionals to fill the gap in the nursing workforce. ...
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    • Mörk turism - motivationsfaktorer 

      Saarela, Julia (2022)
      Detta arbete behandlar motivationsfaktorer inom mörk turism med specifik fokus på ön Själö som befinner sig i Nagu. Mörk turism är ännu ett ganska okänt begrepp fastän massa turister årligen väljer att besöka mörka ...
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    • Marketing a share issue to micro angel investors: case: storyville 

      von Kraemer, Dennis (2022)
      Many businesses must raise money from investors and if they don’t have a clear exit strategy it can be hard for them to raise money through selling shares. Storyville was able to market their share issue successfully with ...
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    • Modulär handdukstorkare: Simplifiering av produktionen 

      Korsström, Robert (2022)
      REJ Design tillverkar el- och vattenburna handdukstorkar i koppar, som sedan förkromas. Företaget är marknadsledare i Finland och har sin fabrik i Träskända. Det stora antalet produktvarianter leder till en komplex ...
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    • Marketing plan for HEROINES : Case study 

      Truda, Rafaela (2022)
      Marketing strategy is an essential component of every company. This research provides an achievable marketing plan for HEROINES, a newly formed female pop band. This research aims to design a well-structured digital marketing ...
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    • Working with child actors: From practice to film, from the movie Death of a boy 

      Troni, Bashkim (2022)
      This is a thesis paper that talks, analyzes, and reflects on what kind of process there is in working with child actors. We are writing this paper from my personal experience on how the process went about to work with child ...
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    • Enhancing well-being and promoting digitalization in the healthcare sector 

      Ailio, Alexandra (2022)
      A lot of changes are taking place in the social and healthcare sector. Systems are constantly being developed and modified to be more efficient, and efforts are being made to reduce costs. Finnish society is changing rapidly ...
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    • How can Social Media enhance Business-to-Business Marketing Operations 

      Spiridon, Cristian-Lucian (2022)
      Nowadays the social media channels represent a path for effective promoting and advertising for organisations or individuals, that is why a great digital marketing strategy for a company compounds social media channels for ...
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    • Accessible Tourism: people with disabilities. 

      Pampur, Alina (2022)
      This Bachelor thesis was prepared for the fulfillment of the educational standard of Arcada University of Applied Sciences. The aim of this paper was to achieve a main goal which is to discover the importance of online ...
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    • Converting strangers into customers : an inbound marketing plan for case company x 

      Jokinen, Anni (2022)
      The study is constructed of two main subject areas, the inbound marketing and marketing planning. Inbound marketing (IM) is a form of digital marketing strategy which was established in 2005 by Halligan and Shah. IM is ...
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    • Preoperative surgery patient education from nursing perspective 

      Chemutai, Irene (2022)
      Nursing is a crucial element in healthcare provision which involves collaborative care, understanding, teamwork, hands-on and non-discriminatory despite age differences, culture, religion, and background. Often, healthcare ...
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    • What predicts user satisfaction with SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system? : a case study in a Finnish firm 

      Szabó, Zsófia (2022)
      In the rapidly evolving business environment and globalised markets, many companies decided to implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to contribute to their efficiency initiatives. These complex systems support ...
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    • Advantages and disadvantages of commercial vs. non-commercial RPA technologies 

      Eklund, Mikael (2022)
      Software has both advantages and disadvantages whether they are based on open or closed source code. Closed source software are often expensive, but functional and mature products. In many cases open-source software are ...
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