"data communications networks" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt (Käyttörajattu kokoelma)

    • IoT Scape Room 

      García González, Juan Luis; Ortega Martinez, Alejandro (2022)
      An Internet of Things oriented scape room has been developed with the aim of helping students strengthening their knowledge in the field. For it, a local environment has been created with four raspberry pi that interact ...
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    • Location-aware IoT systems 

      Laasonen, Olli (2024)
      Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii paikkatietoisen esineiden internetin (IoT) kehitystä. Nämä järjestelmät ovat yhä kriittisempiä useissa sovelluksissa, aina logistiikasta ja karjataloudesta terveydenhuoltoon ja vähittäiskauppaan. ...
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    • Network monitoring and incident management for an enterprise environment 

      Ivanova, Yuliia (2023)
      As the complexity of network infrastructure keeps growing nowadays, the infrastructure components monitoring becomes an important part of maintaining services functionality and optimal performance. This thesis aimed to ...
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    • Performance analysis of Wi-Fi protocols : a comparative study of 802.11ac vs. 802.11ax 

      Abbas, Murtaza (2023)
      This thesis delves into the present and future landscape of wireless networking, concentrating on the comparison between Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) and Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax). WiFi 6 demonstrates notable enhancements, particularly in ...
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