"customer experience" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt (Käyttörajattu kokoelma)

    • Conceptualizing a new environmental education service : service design for a start-up business 

      Pippuri, Asko (2022)
      Aim of the thesis is to create a service concept for a start up company by using service design methods. The core service idea has been developed by the commissioner and the subject of this thesis is to create, validate, ...
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    • Cross-selling in Digital Healthcare Services 

      Mäkiö, Sari (2022)
      This thesis aimed to offer solutions to business development by finding effective methods to increase cross-selling during the digital service transaction process in healthcare. The study endeavours to solve the effective ...
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    • Developing customer experience through customer feedback 

      Tolonen, Laura (2022)
      Asiakaskokemus on kokemus, joka asiakkaalle muodostuu organisaatiosta erilaisten kosketuspisteiden kautta. Asiakaskokemus on uniikki ja jokaiselle asiakkaalle erilainen. Organisaatiot eivät voi suoraan määritellä ...
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    • Developing onboarding experience 

      Kivilahti, Laura (2023)
      Customer experience is one of the key success factors for a company. The customer experience is defined at the very first moments of service. Customer interacts with service provider through various touchpoints. Customer ...
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    • Enabling a desired customer experience : developing an operating model through service design 

      Nikander, Elina (2022)
      Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan tavoiteltavan asiakaskokemuksen mahdollistamista kohdeorganisaation operatiivisen mallin näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaatio on palkkapalvelua tuottava asiantuntijaorganisaatio. ...
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    • Enhancing New Customer Sales Funnel in Commercial Insurance : a Service Design Approach with AI Integration 

      Terho, Juho (2024)
      Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli parantaa vakuutusalan uusasiakashankinnan myyntisuppiloa hyödyntämällä palvelumuotoilun menetelmiä ja integroimalla tekoälyä alan kehittyviin tarpeisiin. Keskeisenä tavoitteena oli luoda ...
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    • Future e-commerce development drivers : key development drivers for future e-commerce customer experience 

      Ruonamo, Riitta (2022)
      Previous research reveals that future e-commerce development is affected by many drivers and trends regarding the technological development of e-commerce, as well as by future business environment changes in the commissioner ...
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    • Implementing business sales process using Salesforce CRM 

      Yousaf, Muhammad (2022)
      The thesis explores how a business could benefit from using a CRM system. Any business big or small has a customer base and the business has to keep on getting new opportunities in order to increase its customer base and ...
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    • Improving customer journey with (self-) service design : a better customer experience in a web store X 

      Ahokas, Anniina (2022)
      Due to digitalisation, customers are expecting service in digital channels. Organizations are using more automated solutions, which have become more common especially during the covid-19 pandemic. Self-service concepts, ...
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    • Key to Company Success: understanding Customer 

      Lehtonen, Suvi (2023)
      The thesis target was to utilize service design thinking and tools. The objective of the thesis was to listen to customers’ thoughts, improve sales phase performance, and confront the customer. The target was to form a ...
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    • To beauty or not to beauty : developing the student experience of a private cosmetology school 

      Säylä, Elina (2022)
      Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat opiskelijakokemuksen muodostumiseen ja miten opiskelijakokemusta voi parantaa. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana toimii yksityinen kosmetologikoulu. ...
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