"work satisfaction" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt (Käyttörajattu kokoelma)

    • Diary Thesis - Rainmaker 

      Tissari, Iida (2023)
      This diary-based thesis is provided to follow the author's development and progress in her time at the job. The thesis is written between November 2022 and January 2023, it includes an observation period of eight weeks ...
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    • Effects of the Supervisors’ Actions to the Employee´s Satisfaction 

      Riikonen, Elisa (2023)
      This Bachelor´s thesis investigates the reasons behind high turnover rate within the commissioning company and they are interested to find out the reasons behind this phenomenon. Situation was studied from existing ...
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    • Employee and customer satisfaction of the physical environment in the hospitality industry. 

      Tamang, Susan (2024)
      This research investigated how employees and customers perceive the physical environment of a hotel in Kathmandu, Nepal. To analyse employee satisfaction, an asynchronized interview and a survey questionnaire were used ...
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    • Employees motivation and level of satisfaction in the luxury hotel “Z” 

      Brich, Viktoriia (2020)
      The topics of employee motivation, satisfaction, and engagement play a central role in the field of hotel management both practically and theoretically. This is because of the simple fact that employees are a fundamental ...
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    • How are Employer Branding, Employee Engagement, and Employee Experience perceived at Company X? 

      Sillanpää, Milla (2024)
      The purpose of this thesis was to understand how employer branding, employee engagement and employee experience are perceived at Company X. Now more than ever, it's important to invest in employees as the market for top ...
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    • How to improve employee engagement in Company X 

      Tappura, Heta (2023)
      In today’s competitive job market, retaining talent can be a complex challenge that managers may struggle with. Employee engagement and organizational commitment are essential topics to focus on when formulating a people ...
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    • Job satisfaction of external in-house employees in a high tech company 

      Virtanen, Aino (2024)
      The object of this thesis was to evaluate the level of job satisfaction among the external in-house employees in a high technology company. The name "High Tech Company Ltd" is a pseudonym used hereafter to anonymize said ...
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    • Retention in platform economy – how to reduce churn in on-demand food delivery and attract new couriers 

      Tengvall, Kati (2023)
      This thesis was commissioned by a Finnish company operating in the industry of on-demand food deliveries with the aim to understand why food couriers decide to leave the platform. Currently courier churn is high, and the ...
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    • The Importance of Coaching Leadership in Modern Working Environment 

      Pyöriä, Pinja (2024)
      Nykyaikaisessa työympäristössä johtamistaidoista ja -menetelmistä on keskusteltu laajasti. Vanhaa tapaa johtaa "ylhäältä alas" voidaan pitää vanhentuneena, sillä nykyajan johtamistyyli keskittyy enemmän tiimin jäsenten ...
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    • The relation between handling complaints and the employee engagement of front office staff 

      De Koning, Minke Femke Alida (2022)
      Complaints are no stranger in the hotel industry. In case of a service failure or when expectations are not met guests can either complain in person or leave a negative review. However, even though there has been much ...
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