"data security" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Centria-ammattikorkeakoulu

    • Blockchain and real-world assets : Will blockchain disrupt the trading of real-world assets? 

      Rehman, Abdul (2023)
      The purpose of this thesis was to explore the potential of blockchain technology and how it will streamline the process of real-world asset management. In particular, this thesis focused on the feasibility of using blockchain ...
    • Cybersecurity : Secure code with code auditing 

      Thapa, Bishal (2023)
      The purpose of the thesis was to illuminate the factors related to cyber security focusing on secure coding with code auditing process. These factors included the risk and vulnerabilities in the software, how the vulnerabilities ...
    • Cybersecurity attitudes of computer users 

      Fuchs, Radovan (2022)
      With the prevalence and significance of cybercrimes increasing, cybersecurity has become one of the most talked-about issues in the current digital world. Cybersecurity crimes cause substantial costs on a global scale. The ...
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    • Data encryption in Android 

      Ghimire, Ashim (2020)
      The importance of data security is growing every year and the threats to it are increasing every year. Data security in mobile applications is never easy. If a mobile phone is stolen and the screen lock is breached, then ...
    • Data loss prevention : For securing enterprise data integrity 

      Mansikka, Jaakko (2023)
      This final thesis was commissioned by Recion Oy, a regional high-pressure piping company, in order to address a mutually beneficial subject that enhances both the organization's cybersecurity and my personal expertise. The ...
    • Enhancing cloud based software engineering with machine learning 

      Khadka, Birendra (2024)
      With the ability to access virtualized resources on demand, cloud computing has developed into a game-changing technology that enables companies to adapt to changing market conditions and grow their infrastructure through ...
    • Mobile Security 

      Adhikari, Kushal (2020)
      Mobile security is one of the major problems in this generation. In this computerized era many people use computer and mobile phones in their daily life. This report tells about the mobile security, how cyber criminals ...
    • Steganology and information hiding : Stegop2py: embedding data in TCP and IP headers 

      Arthur, Maya (2021)
      In the time when the explosion of electronic and digital technologies happened, communication technologies concurrently suffered the same growth. Nowadays, for two parties to communicate, it is as easy as dialling a number, ...
    • The safeguarding of the consumer in electronic commerce : Comparison analysis between Morocco and Finland 

      Zbadi, Mohamed (2023)
      I decided in this thesis to examine the safeguarding of consumers in the context of e-commerce, specifically focusing on a comparative analysis of the Moroccan and Finnish legislations. Since I studied business law in my ...