"adsorption" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt (Käyttörajattu kokoelma)

    • Decolourization and mycoremediation of Azo dye, Congo red, by Pleurotus Sajorcaju 

      Wahid, Mohammad Ferdows (2023)
      Dye-containing effluents are particularly difficult to remove since they ultimately have a very high water solubility, are brightly colored, and may be easily seen. The release of these effluents into aquatic ecosystems ...
      Rajattu käyttöoikeus / Restricted access / Tillgången är begränsad
    • Use of natural zeolites in the recovery of metals 

      Ping, Yu (2010)
      Zeolite is a molecular sieve of natural and synthetic nature of crystalline aluminosilicate, the basic cell structure of its framework is AlO4 and SiO4 tetrahedron. Natural zeolites also have the potentials for wastewater ...
      Rajattu käyttöoikeus / Restricted access / Tillgången är begränsad