Impact of employee induction programme on performance and development : case Sector Alarm
Viljanen, Keijo (2018)
Viljanen, Keijo
Turun ammattikorkeakoulu
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This thesis concentrates on how an employee induction programme affects the development and performance of new employees during and after the recruitment process. Employee induction programme (EIP) consists of various areas and stages to be recognized, analyzed and implemented at Sector Alarm. Nowadays, one of the most important goals for every company is to make their new employees a valued resource for their profitability. This research was commissioned by Sector Alarm Finland. The goal of the work is to address three main issues; what are the expected outputs of an induction programme, why is induction important at the case company and how the current induction programme could be improved.
The concept of employee induction progamme (EIP) has been an important topic among numerous companies no matter the field. The programme is often a longer process that consists of a few different stages such as; orientation, competency building and result orienting, throughout an employee’s career in the company. These topics became more familiar to the author during the research for this thesis and the author’s employment period as a field sales agent at Sector Alarm.
Continuous improvement in various areas of their business is a crucial factor for Sector Alarm. With this research Sector Alarm is able to find ways to improve their current employee induction programme. A research by qualitative method was conducted in order to implement the solutions for adequate induction. The literature review covers the theoretical part of the research topic and is applied in this case study. The literature review gives additional relevant theory about the EIP process. The main purpose of this thesis however, is to look at the effects of the current EIP process on employees and possibly improve it.
Based on the results of the research conducted, Sector Alarm has been able to plan and implement the current induction programme quite effectively. An effective induction programme is crucial for employees working field sales, because they are usually the point of contact between the Company and potential new customers. The results of the survey indicate that the the induction process could be developed further by including some more practical and concrete lessons in the programme. The benefits in integrating these aspects is that new employees are able to get a better picture what the job is actually going to be like in practice.
The concept of employee induction progamme (EIP) has been an important topic among numerous companies no matter the field. The programme is often a longer process that consists of a few different stages such as; orientation, competency building and result orienting, throughout an employee’s career in the company. These topics became more familiar to the author during the research for this thesis and the author’s employment period as a field sales agent at Sector Alarm.
Continuous improvement in various areas of their business is a crucial factor for Sector Alarm. With this research Sector Alarm is able to find ways to improve their current employee induction programme. A research by qualitative method was conducted in order to implement the solutions for adequate induction. The literature review covers the theoretical part of the research topic and is applied in this case study. The literature review gives additional relevant theory about the EIP process. The main purpose of this thesis however, is to look at the effects of the current EIP process on employees and possibly improve it.
Based on the results of the research conducted, Sector Alarm has been able to plan and implement the current induction programme quite effectively. An effective induction programme is crucial for employees working field sales, because they are usually the point of contact between the Company and potential new customers. The results of the survey indicate that the the induction process could be developed further by including some more practical and concrete lessons in the programme. The benefits in integrating these aspects is that new employees are able to get a better picture what the job is actually going to be like in practice.