Practices that Promote Integration of International Nurses in the Metropolitan Area Finland: A Balanced Perspective of Finnish and International Nurses
Voaharinoferana, Zo Misaina (2017)
Voaharinoferana, Zo Misaina
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
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Several studies drew attention to the challenges international Nurses factually encountered to fit into a foreign workplace. Inversely, very few delve merely the Best Practices needed to supersede this contest. This reality prompt curiosity in the researcher’s mind to dig into what has positively been done to integrate International Nurses in the Finnish workplace, what were perceived positively helpful and what is expected to smooth the integration process. To reach this end, a qualitative study was conducted, in which 6 International Nurses and 4 Finnish Nurses were interviewed. This two-end comparative exploration intent to find out evident practices to uphold integration of foreign nurses in the Finnish Context. The data collected was analyzed by Qualitative Inductive Content analysis. It was undoubtedly found that no single entity is self-sufficient to carry on this multifaceted task. Its success demands an Individual Input, Collective Effort, Coworker and Managerial Backup paired with an Organizational Involvement. The discoveries highlight that collaboration is a necessity, and is a key component of an effective integration. These Information are alleged to provide useful material to guide decision-makers to expand existing guidelines for better integration outcome.