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Accessibility Statement for the Theseus Service

This accessibility statement applies to the Theseus Open Repository of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences and was prepared on 17 September 2020. Its English translation was published on 14 December 2020. The statement was last updated on 9 March 2023.

web address:

The digital publication archive Theseus is a service provided by the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene and coordinated by the AMKIT Consortium. Theseus was established in 2008 and it includes material published from 1997 onwards.

Organisations participating in the service

The service also contains material from the following organisations that have closed down or merged with other universities:

Accessibility Assessment of the Digital Service

Each individual UAS participating in the publication archive is responsible for the accessibility of the publications they store in Theseus. The Theseus user interface contains instructions on how to create accessible theses. However, each UAS has their own thesis template that they must ensure is accessible. The accessibility of the publications and theses has been assessed by the UAS that published them.

The National Library of Finland is responsible for and has evaluated the accessibility of the user interface.

Non-accessible content not covered by the applicable legislation

The repository also contains content that is not within the scope of the applicable legislation.

Accessibility Status of the Service

This website is compliant with critical accessibility requirements. The website is not yet fully compliant with all the requirements.

Accessibility of resources

Accessibility of theses

Theses stored in Theseus between 23 September 2018 and 23 September 2020 have accessibility issues.

The following universities have adopted a thesis template for creating accessible PDF files by 23 September 2020:

The following universities have adopted a thesis template for creating accessible PDF files by 1 February 2022:

Despite using an accessible template, accessibility issues may occur due to the author of the thesis. For example:

The following universities have not taken accessibility fully into account in their thesis templates and guidance by 1 February 2022: Åland University of Applied Sciences, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Novia University of Applied Sciences.

Accessibility of publications

Publications stored in Theseus between 23 September 2018 and 23 September 2020 have accessibility issues. These publication are not fully accessible, for example, some diagrams and tables do not have a text alternative. Individual publications may include faulty tags and have problems with the correct reading order and multilingual content.

The following universities have adopted a publication series template for creating accessible PDF files by 23 September 2020:

Turku University of Applied Sciences and Åland University of Applied Sciences do not primarily store individual publications of their publication series in Theseus.

The layout for some SAMK publications is made outside the UAS and may contain accessibility issues for the time being. In addition, the layout for publications of Diaconia University of Applied Sciences is also made outside the UAS but the designer prepares the publications in accordance with the Accessibility Directive and subsequent legislation. Metropolia University of Applied Sciences ensures the accessibility of publications on a publication-by-publication basis. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences ensures the accessibility of publications on a publication-by-publication basis.

An accessible layout template has not been adopted by the following UAS publication series for the time being: Arcada University of Applied Sciences and Novia University of Applied Sciences.

Accessibility of the User Interface

The following deficiencies have been found in assessing the accessibility of the User Interface:


Deficiencies in the accessibility of forms and images

Some of the images lack text alternatives. Some fields on the input form are missing labels (label elements). The input form is visible only to signed-in users.

Unfulfilled accessibility requirements:

Deficiencies in the accessibility of headings and structure

On some pages, the levels of the headings are not logical.

Unfulfilled accessibility requirements:

The contrast ratio between text and its background is not always sufficient

On the input form, the color red is used as a means of attracting attention, and the contrast ratio of the buttons on the form is not sufficient. The input form is visible only to signed-in users.

Unfulfilled accessibility requirements:


When assistive technologies are used, repeated blocks of content cannot be skipped

The pages do not provide a Skip to main content link or an alternative logical heading structure. The primary content of the page is therefore not easily accessible when assistive technologies are used.

Unfulfilled accessibility requirements:

The clarity of link texts related to publications is insufficient

Link texts related to publications leading to RefWorks and Twitter are not clear enough, and their target is not explicitly indicated.

Unfulfilled accessibility requirements:


Language of page is not defined

On some pages, the language definition is missing.

Unfulfilled accessibility requirements:

Language of Parts of Page is not defined

On some pages, there are parts written in a different language from the page itself. There are pages where the language of the parts is not defined.

Unfulfilled accessibility requirements:

Notification of Accessibility Deficiencies

If you find any accessibility issues on our website, please let us know. We will do our best to rectify the issue.

Report by e-mail

Surveillance Authority

If you notice any accessibility deficiencies on our site, you should first provide feedback to us, that is, the administrator of the site. The reply can take up to 14 days. If you are not satisfied with the answer or if you do not receive one at all within two weeks, you can file a notification with the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The webpage of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland provides detailed instructions on how to file a notification and how the matter is processed.

Contact Information of the Surveillance Authority

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
Supervisory unit for web accessibility
Telephone (switch): + 358 295 016 000