ERP for small accounting company
Koiranen, Antti (2023)
Koiranen, Antti
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The main goal of this thesis was to research and document the process of a choosing ERP (Enterprise Resource Program) for a small accounting firm. This objective narrowed the research topic quite well and in the end there would be clear end result if one was chosen or not.
The reason behind this work was that task management and work time monitoring were done by using excel sheets. This method had its own difficulties and it was decided to look for a better solution.
First requirement specification was created, which contained all the mandatory features that ERP must contain. Four mandatory features were identified and they were task tracking, task time-lines, work time monitoring and ERP integration to existing accounting program. Requirement specification included also optional features that would be good to have but lack of those would not prevent the ERP-procurement.
Completing requirement specification lead to call for offers from several ERP-vendors. Respons-es then lead to meetings and further discussions with ERP-companies.
Thesis end result was achieved when one manufacturer was chosen and ERP was taken in to use.
The reason behind this work was that task management and work time monitoring were done by using excel sheets. This method had its own difficulties and it was decided to look for a better solution.
First requirement specification was created, which contained all the mandatory features that ERP must contain. Four mandatory features were identified and they were task tracking, task time-lines, work time monitoring and ERP integration to existing accounting program. Requirement specification included also optional features that would be good to have but lack of those would not prevent the ERP-procurement.
Completing requirement specification lead to call for offers from several ERP-vendors. Respons-es then lead to meetings and further discussions with ERP-companies.
Thesis end result was achieved when one manufacturer was chosen and ERP was taken in to use.