Exploring Feasible Digital Marketing Platforms for Enhancing Brand Awareness : Case Company EduCase
Ubollerd, Prim (2023)
Ubollerd, Prim
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The aim of this thesis is to determine the most suitable digital marketing platforms for the case company, with the objective of enhancing brand awareness. The results of this investigation will provide valuable insights for the company to formulate an effective digital marketing strategy in the future.
The company operates as a small-scale business serving both B2B and B2C markets. Its primary offering is an online training tool developed by the RadOnc eLearning Center, tailored specifically for radiation oncology professionals. Unfortunately, the company has been relatively inactive online, resulting in a decline in its online audience. Given its B2B nature, it is imperative for the company to maintain an up to date and consistently active online presence. Recognizing the vital importance of enhancing brand awareness, particularly for a small-sized company, the thesis highlights the critical role of leveraging social media channels. The suggestion to utilize social media platforms is considered indispensable and immensely beneficial for improving the company’s online visibility. This thesis contains knowledge background and findings parts. The knowledge background includes an exploration of components and fundamental definitions related to digital marketing. The findings part represents the practical implementation of digital marketing strategies. It encompasses a detailed analysis of the company’s specific case and the step-by-step development of the digital marketing plan.
Analytical methods, including SOSTAC, were employed to assess the company’s situation. These methods revealed the challenges the company currently faces and identified key opportunities it should prioritize. Building upon these insights, the thesis defined a comprehensive strategy and accompanying tactics. Moreover, it provided guidelines for optimizing the company’s website, leveraging social media platforms, and enhancing email marketing efforts. Additionally, the thesis provided practical suggestions and illustrative examples.
The company operates as a small-scale business serving both B2B and B2C markets. Its primary offering is an online training tool developed by the RadOnc eLearning Center, tailored specifically for radiation oncology professionals. Unfortunately, the company has been relatively inactive online, resulting in a decline in its online audience. Given its B2B nature, it is imperative for the company to maintain an up to date and consistently active online presence. Recognizing the vital importance of enhancing brand awareness, particularly for a small-sized company, the thesis highlights the critical role of leveraging social media channels. The suggestion to utilize social media platforms is considered indispensable and immensely beneficial for improving the company’s online visibility. This thesis contains knowledge background and findings parts. The knowledge background includes an exploration of components and fundamental definitions related to digital marketing. The findings part represents the practical implementation of digital marketing strategies. It encompasses a detailed analysis of the company’s specific case and the step-by-step development of the digital marketing plan.
Analytical methods, including SOSTAC, were employed to assess the company’s situation. These methods revealed the challenges the company currently faces and identified key opportunities it should prioritize. Building upon these insights, the thesis defined a comprehensive strategy and accompanying tactics. Moreover, it provided guidelines for optimizing the company’s website, leveraging social media platforms, and enhancing email marketing efforts. Additionally, the thesis provided practical suggestions and illustrative examples.