Improving customer onboarding in a B2B SaaS company
Sandström, Lisa (2022)
Sandström, Lisa
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The topic of the thesis is customer onboarding as a personal and real-time service. Previous research, customer success frameworks and key subjects are presented as the theoretical framework. The main objective of the thesis is to investigate why customer onboarding is important and how it affects the profitability of a B2B company. The secondary objective is to present improvement ideas to the commissioner of the thesis, which is Leadoo Marketing Technologies, referred to as Leadoo. The research question for the thesis is How could Leadoo improve the customer onboarding process? The chosen research method was qualitative interviews. Interviews were carried out with Leadoo’s three Onboarding Managers during October 2022. Interviews were conducted to gain insight about the employees’ perspective of the current customer onboarding process. Research showed that the average grade for Leadoo’s customer onboarding process was 3,8 on a scale from 1 to 5. Need for improvements were distinguished within areas of client preparation, level of client engage-ment, resource management, data tracking and use of tools and software. Suggested improvements were increasing the amount of material to customers, implementing automations to the process and workflows, tracking completed activities, collecting more data, improving the level of customer engagement, and taking on a project management software. Further research could focus on personalizing the customer onboarding process and developing a deeper understanding of the customers’ experience of Leadoo’s customer onboarding process.