Functionality study of the dispatching area
Soininen, Aapo-Otto (2022)
Soininen, Aapo-Otto
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The client of this study, Valio Oy, is a Finnish food company that mainly processes and markets dairy products. The need for the study came from Valio Jyväskylä warehouse that was willing to know if there are things to change to make their operating more functional.
The aim for this study was to evaluate the dispatching process of Valio Jyväskylä warehouse and to see how the current operating methods work. The purpose of the study was to investigate the current state of the operations to find the downfalls of the dispatching process. After understanding the current issues, the goal was to make the operating more functional through improvement suggestions.
Based on the results of the current state analysis, suggestions for improvement were presented in a form of an action plan. The suggestions were related to saving space in the warehouse and creating a better teamwork routine to ensure more functional operating.
The aim for this study was to evaluate the dispatching process of Valio Jyväskylä warehouse and to see how the current operating methods work. The purpose of the study was to investigate the current state of the operations to find the downfalls of the dispatching process. After understanding the current issues, the goal was to make the operating more functional through improvement suggestions.
Based on the results of the current state analysis, suggestions for improvement were presented in a form of an action plan. The suggestions were related to saving space in the warehouse and creating a better teamwork routine to ensure more functional operating.