KoulutusalaOpinnäytetyöt (Käyttörajattu kokoelma)Palvelumuotoilu

    • Co-creation of customer journey mapping with service excellence 

      Malhotra, Adity (2023)
      This thesis is commissioned by Telia Finland, to establish a common approach in Marketing Technologies, across multiple Telia Business units, including Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Lithuania, and Norway. This common approach ...
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    • Conceptualizing a new environmental education service : service design for a start-up business 

      Pippuri, Asko (2022)
      Aim of the thesis is to create a service concept for a start up company by using service design methods. The core service idea has been developed by the commissioner and the subject of this thesis is to create, validate, ...
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    • Design for secure software development testing 

      Vainio, Vesa (2024)
      Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tietoturvallisen ohjelmistokehityksen testauksen palvelumuotoiluohjelmistojen koostumusanalyysille. Suunnittelu suoritettiin Crosskey banking solutions Ab Ltd yritykselle mahdollistamaan ...
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    • Developing and testing customer centric design training : a case study for company X employees 

      Helle, Johanna (2023)
      This master's thesis examines the implementation of a pilot concept initiated by the commissioner, focusing on the transition towards more customer-oriented ways of working to enhance customer value and satisfaction. The ...
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    • Enabling coaching leadership for retail sales managers through service design 

      Syreeni, Tero (2024)
      The aim of this thesis was to identify what tasks sales managers could delegate or centralize to improve time management to better implement the Sokos Myyn mielihyvää model for service and customer management. The frame ...
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    • Enhancing New Customer Sales Funnel in Commercial Insurance : a Service Design Approach with AI Integration 

      Terho, Juho (2024)
      Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli parantaa vakuutusalan uusasiakashankinnan myyntisuppiloa hyödyntämällä palvelumuotoilun menetelmiä ja integroimalla tekoälyä alan kehittyviin tarpeisiin. Keskeisenä tavoitteena oli luoda ...
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    • From prospect to Strong : how to differentiate from competitors 

      Köpsi, Veera (2023)
      The purpose of this thesis was to explore different ways for NCAB Finland Key Account managers to differentiate from their competitors in a printed circuit board market. The thesis also explored ways to increase NCAB Finland ...
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    • Future e-commerce development drivers : key development drivers for future e-commerce customer experience 

      Ruonamo, Riitta (2022)
      Previous research reveals that future e-commerce development is affected by many drivers and trends regarding the technological development of e-commerce, as well as by future business environment changes in the commissioner ...
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    • Goods-or-service Related Credits Brokerin : transforming loan brokering to goods or services 

      Mäenpää, Heikki (2022)
      Tässä opinnäytetyössä esitellään, miten palvelumuotoilun työkaluja, menetelmiä ja tekniikoita voidaan hyödyntää yritysten osamaksutuotteen kehittämisessä alusta asti. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on suunnitella ja kehittää Osta ...
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    • Improving customer journey with (self-) service design : a better customer experience in a web store X 

      Ahokas, Anniina (2022)
      Due to digitalisation, customers are expecting service in digital channels. Organizations are using more automated solutions, which have become more common especially during the covid-19 pandemic. Self-service concepts, ...
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    • Promoting financial well-being through service design : case study on digital banking 

      Tanninen, Siina (2023)
      This Master's thesis uses service design as its guiding framework to explore the potential role of digital banking in enhancing financial well-being. The case study centres around a mobile banking application, which serves ...
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    • User-centric service design in intranet development 

      Sinervo, Heidi (2022)
      The present study discusses how service design and tools related to it can be successfully utilized in intranet development. During the project, an intranet solution for an expertise service, within a large, multinational, ...
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