"market research" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt (Käyttörajattu kokoelma)

    • Data collection benefits and disadvantages in consumer marketing 

      Cook, Kiara (2023)
      This thesis examines the impact of data analytics on consumer marketing and explores its effects on consumers and broader society. Specifically, it investigates the positive, negative, and ethical implications of consumer ...
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    • Designing an Affiliate Marketing Website for an Upcoming Start-Up 

      Pham, Thi Khanh Hang (2022)
      This is a project-based thesis that aims to provide a basic understanding of affiliate marketing mainly to affiliates, but it allows the consumers to understand the marketing tactics as well. This thesis is structured into ...
      Rajoitettu käyttöoikeus / Restricted access / Tillgången begränsad
    • Market Entry and Digital Marketing Strategy for a Finnish Start-Up in California 

      Essel, Marinka (2023)
      This thesis outlines the market entry strategy, and digital marketing plan devised for a small Finnish company, ThetaMoon, intending to enter the market in California, United States. The thesis presents a comprehensive ...
      Rajoitettu käyttöoikeus / Restricted access / Tillgången begränsad
    • Market entry strategy to Swedish market Case company: Strongest Group Oy 

      Lehtonen, Aleksi; Tolonen, Tomi (2023)
      Nopeasti muuttuvilla markkinoilla, joissa teknologiat ovat tärkeässä roolissa jokaisen yrityksen toiminnassa, jokainen yritys etsii kannattavampia tapoja liiketoiminnan harjoittamiseen. Monet yritykset etsivät tapoja ...
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    • U.S. Market Entry Plan for Company X 

      Upornikova, Hanna (2024)
      The thesis explores the global expansion of SMEs into new markets and the associated risks, including commercial, cross-cultural, country-specific, and currency risks. These risks are unique to each country. This research ...
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    • Using Instagram for restaurant marketing 

      Alim, Almira (2022)
      This is a research -based thesis and this study's objective is to examine the potential of Instagram for restaurant marketing. The impacts of Instagram marketing in the Helsinki restaurant industry are the focus of this ...
      Rajoitettu käyttöoikeus / Restricted access / Tillgången begränsad