"innovation (activity)" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt (Käyttörajattu kokoelma)

    • Idea screening as part of service innovation process 

      Vesanen, Pinja (2024)
      Idea screening is one of the most strategic parts of the innovation process, because deciding where to put development effort can have an influence on financial performance, workforce and technical resources, achieving ...
      Rajoitettu käyttöoikeus / Restricted access / Tillgången begränsad
    • Selling innovation consulting. Case: Company X 

      Saarnilaakso, Suvi (2023)
      This research-based thesis researched how global companies headquartered in Finland view and purchase innovation consulting services. The thesis objective was to understand how global companies buy innovation consulting ...
      Rajoitettu käyttöoikeus / Restricted access / Tillgången begränsad