"human resource management" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt (Käyttörajattu kokoelma)

    • A candidate satisfaction for a recruitment process within domestic and international markets 

      Georgiadis, Nicoleta (2023)
      This desktop research thesis project was completed by the author during the studies in international business majoring in human resources management. The research and studies were supported by using the theories and sources ...
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    • Developing sales employee reward plan for company X 

      Matikainen, Matias (2022)
      Rewarding is one of the core tasks of any personnel management functions. Traditionally a topic seen mostly in monetary terms as an exchange of money or money equivalents for employee’s time or effort. In current view ...
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    • Developing the Consultant Process in Company X 

      Aalto, Mette (2023)
      Euroopassa solmitut määräaikaiset työsuhteet ovat pysyneet suosiossa jo kauan. Tämä näkyy henkilöstöpalveluyritysten liiketoiminnan vakautena. Tällaiset yritykset tarjoavat urakoitsijoita asiakasyrityksille ja ylläpitävät ...
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    • Effects of the Supervisors’ Actions to the Employee´s Satisfaction 

      Riikonen, Elisa (2023)
      This Bachelor´s thesis investigates the reasons behind high turnover rate within the commissioning company and they are interested to find out the reasons behind this phenomenon. Situation was studied from existing ...
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    • Employer Brand Experience from Employees´ Perspective for Company X 

      Ikonen, Anna (2023)
      This thesis work examines how the employees in the company experience the company´s employer brand in garage and automotive industry. The objective for this study was, that the Company X could start building their employer ...
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    • How to engage talent during the Great Resignation? Developing an internal talent marketplace solution for a research organisation 

      Siponen, Katariina (2022)
      The main objective of this thesis was to develop a functional solution and practices for internal talent marketplace of the target organisation, and to research its impact on employee engagement and employer brand. The ...
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    • How to improve employee engagement in Company X 

      Tappura, Heta (2023)
      In today’s competitive job market, retaining talent can be a complex challenge that managers may struggle with. Employee engagement and organizational commitment are essential topics to focus on when formulating a people ...
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    • Identification of internal employer brand and current employees’ perceptions at Gasum Group 

      Walker, Hennamari (2022)
      In recent years, employer branding has gained more attention and significance in corporate strategies, much due to the economic and societal changes taking place in the world, and most recently due to the Covid-19 pandemic. ...
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    • M&A Integration process through the eyes of employees 

      Seppä, Tanja (2024)
      Fast changing operating environment puts pressure on companies to change. If the company is not able to answer to the need of changes, it might be overshadowed by competitors. One-way companies seek strategic growth is by ...
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    • Precursors of employee engagement and interventions: case study from an Italian manufacturing company 

      Mercuriati, Nicolò (2022)
      The topic of engagement at work is increasingly taking a central role in the HRM strategy of modern business organizations. Several studies have proved that higher level of engagement is a precursor of superior job-related ...
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    • Strategic Recruitment Plan for Early-stage Start-ups: A Case Study of Amutri Ltd. 

      Thoma, Polyxeni (2023)
      This project-based bachelor’s thesis explores the domain of human resource (HR) practices and their development and customisation for the early-stage start-up venture Amutri Ltd. The primary objective is to develop a ...
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    • Talent Recruitment and Management 

      Esapa, Eric Akime (2023)
      The main objective of this research was to investigate the current strategies and practices of talent recruitment and management in the case company SSMS. The research came up with improvement ideas in terms of new channels ...
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    • The Importance of Coaching Leadership in Modern Working Environment 

      Pyöriä, Pinja (2024)
      Nykyaikaisessa työympäristössä johtamistaidoista ja -menetelmistä on keskusteltu laajasti. Vanhaa tapaa johtaa "ylhäältä alas" voidaan pitää vanhentuneena, sillä nykyajan johtamistyyli keskittyy enemmän tiimin jäsenten ...
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    • Understanding volunteers’ motives and improving OmaKoutsi volunteer programme at Tukenasi Ry 

      Engblom, Linda (2022)
      The purpose of this research is to understand volunteers’ motives, learn what leads to volunteer motivation and explore how the volunteer programme OmaKoutsi at a non-profit organisation called Tukenasi Ry can be improved. ...
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