Improving Contact Center Performance by Lean Software Development Process
Doroci, Besnik (2013)
Doroci, Besnik
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
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Software development is the process of developing software in an organized way through predefined phases.
Lean methodology can bring flexibility into the software development process and enable customers to add or change the requirements throughout the development cycle.
Contact center solution enables a superior customer experience by allowing companies to ensure the availability of their services and personnel independently of time, location and contact channel. Since in the contact center solution most of events are live events, measuring the performance of it is very critical.
Performance of software is very important when determining the quality of the product. Performance of the system describes how well the system operates under certain workload. The performance testing can reveal how much resources the system uses when loaded with a certain load. Performance needs to be observed from a quantitative per-spective and qualitative perspective.
The present study looked for means to how to apply the contact center performance aspects into every cycle of the software development based on Lean methods as references to performance in Lean literature are few.
Qualitative methods were used for the study. The methods used in other aspects of software development were applied to performance testing. Additionally, internal expert interviews were used to collect data of the most relevant practices in the field.
As a result, two approaches are introduced: The first approach is to include performance testing as a part of every development cycle. The second approach is to have a separate team for performance testing. Advantages and disadvantages of these approaches are discussed.
Lean methodology can bring flexibility into the software development process and enable customers to add or change the requirements throughout the development cycle.
Contact center solution enables a superior customer experience by allowing companies to ensure the availability of their services and personnel independently of time, location and contact channel. Since in the contact center solution most of events are live events, measuring the performance of it is very critical.
Performance of software is very important when determining the quality of the product. Performance of the system describes how well the system operates under certain workload. The performance testing can reveal how much resources the system uses when loaded with a certain load. Performance needs to be observed from a quantitative per-spective and qualitative perspective.
The present study looked for means to how to apply the contact center performance aspects into every cycle of the software development based on Lean methods as references to performance in Lean literature are few.
Qualitative methods were used for the study. The methods used in other aspects of software development were applied to performance testing. Additionally, internal expert interviews were used to collect data of the most relevant practices in the field.
As a result, two approaches are introduced: The first approach is to include performance testing as a part of every development cycle. The second approach is to have a separate team for performance testing. Advantages and disadvantages of these approaches are discussed.