Developing a Cultural Podcast Platform
Kubatin, Dmitrii (2021)
Kubatin, Dmitrii
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The aim of the thesis is to develop a plan for launching a podcast platform on which will be delivered audio content like podcasts and audio courses. The content is dedicated to the humanitarian and cultural disciplines like arts, literature, architecture, cinema etc.
The thesis is focused on the topic of podcasting because of its ongoing growth and raising audience from year to year. Podcasting seems to be a big trend nowdays and a pretty actual phenomenon.
In this thesis was considered as a theoretical part podcasting as a phenomenon, how the undustry was developing, existing categories of podcasts, how, why and where people listen to podcasts in the United States and in Finland. Moreover there was viewed the way of how podcasts come to its final state to the consumers.
As the development method was choosed the business model canvas. It covered all the main details for the launching project. As a part of the business model canvas there was developed a customer jorney map. Also in the thesis was explained concept of the platform with all of involved stakeholders. To bring a better understanding there are developed SWOT analysis and examples of content plan for audio courses and podcasts' series. Also was considered a marketing stategy for the launching stage of the project.
As outcome it has the developed concept of the platform, content plan, monetization opportunities and as finished product it has to be an application, where all of the audio content is provided for the consumers. Under the platform is meant an application on which all of the produced content will be placed. Produced podcasts should to be posted also on other podcast distribution platforms. Audio courses should to be presented mostly in the project's application and some of them are available after subscription.
The thesis is focused on the topic of podcasting because of its ongoing growth and raising audience from year to year. Podcasting seems to be a big trend nowdays and a pretty actual phenomenon.
In this thesis was considered as a theoretical part podcasting as a phenomenon, how the undustry was developing, existing categories of podcasts, how, why and where people listen to podcasts in the United States and in Finland. Moreover there was viewed the way of how podcasts come to its final state to the consumers.
As the development method was choosed the business model canvas. It covered all the main details for the launching project. As a part of the business model canvas there was developed a customer jorney map. Also in the thesis was explained concept of the platform with all of involved stakeholders. To bring a better understanding there are developed SWOT analysis and examples of content plan for audio courses and podcasts' series. Also was considered a marketing stategy for the launching stage of the project.
As outcome it has the developed concept of the platform, content plan, monetization opportunities and as finished product it has to be an application, where all of the audio content is provided for the consumers. Under the platform is meant an application on which all of the produced content will be placed. Produced podcasts should to be posted also on other podcast distribution platforms. Audio courses should to be presented mostly in the project's application and some of them are available after subscription.