My development as a coach mentor
Auriola, Olli (2020)
Auriola, Olli
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This thesis was created for the author to reflect on his personal development in mentoring in his work as a skills coach in Saimaan Pallo ry. Thesis was an ten week process of writing daily diaries and weekly analyses, to reflect on personal development through the framework of the thesis.
Thesis included an introduction on the overall picture on the role of the author in the skill coach role. Framework on the working tasks and skill the author needed in the role of the skill coach. Analysis of the skills needed, and evaluation of the skills needed were emphasized towards mentoring and reflecting trough the framework of the coach developer’s role. Framework had also an analysis interest groups at work and the interactions the author had in the role. Main part of the thesis included an eight-week diary with weekly analyses that focused on the development of the author as a mentor and a coach developer through the formal framework and references used in the thesis.
The end conclusion of the thesis was that the author noticed that eight weeks was a short timeframe for developing mentoring but the author could get a noticeable development in mentoring and in the conversations the author had with the mentees. Reflecting on mentoring with a diary format works on developing mentoring especially when knowing the basic principles of the mentoring conversation. Looking forward after the thesis process the author could get new ways to mentor and could think of how the whole club could use mentoring more in a club setting.
Thesis included an introduction on the overall picture on the role of the author in the skill coach role. Framework on the working tasks and skill the author needed in the role of the skill coach. Analysis of the skills needed, and evaluation of the skills needed were emphasized towards mentoring and reflecting trough the framework of the coach developer’s role. Framework had also an analysis interest groups at work and the interactions the author had in the role. Main part of the thesis included an eight-week diary with weekly analyses that focused on the development of the author as a mentor and a coach developer through the formal framework and references used in the thesis.
The end conclusion of the thesis was that the author noticed that eight weeks was a short timeframe for developing mentoring but the author could get a noticeable development in mentoring and in the conversations the author had with the mentees. Reflecting on mentoring with a diary format works on developing mentoring especially when knowing the basic principles of the mentoring conversation. Looking forward after the thesis process the author could get new ways to mentor and could think of how the whole club could use mentoring more in a club setting.