Näyttöön perustuvan tiedon käyttö käytännön hoitotyössä : teemailtapäivä palvelukeskuksen henkilökunnalle
Helle, Mari; Järvinen, Johanna; Kulmala, Janita (2019)
Helle, Mari
Järvinen, Johanna
Kulmala, Janita
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Näyttöön perustuvan hoitotyön tarkoitus on antaa potilaalle laadukasta, ajantasaista ja vaikuttavaa hoitoa sekä hillitä kustannuksia. Hoitopäätöksiin vaikuttavat saatavilla oleva tutkimustieto, henkilökunnan kliininen kokemus, potilaan kokemus ja olosuhteet. Lain mukaan potilaalla on oikeus laadukkaaseen ja tasa-arvoiseen hoitoon, jonka vuoksi näyttöön perustuvan toiminnan tulee toteutua riippumatta muista tekijöistä. (Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön www -sivut 2019.) Terveydenhuollon ammattilaisilla on käytössään luotettavia tietokantoja päivittäisen työn tueksi, mutta ajan puute ja taidot tiedon etsimiselle on koettu haasteelliseksi. Hoitohenkilökunta tietää mitä näyttöön perustuvalla toiminnalla tarkoitetaan, mutta toteutus jää kuitenkin puutteelliseksi. (Holopainen ym. 2018, 20-37.) Hoitosuositusten käyttöönotto vaatii runsaasti työtä. Aktiivinen toimeenpano on välttämätöntä, mutta toistaiseksi ei ole menetelmää, joka olisi ylivertainen. (Ketola ym. 2006.) Opinnäytetyön toiminnallisena osana järjestettiin teemailtapäivä palvelukeskuksen henkilökunnalle, jossa käsiteltiin näyttöön perustuvaa hoitotyötä ja luotettavaa tiedonhakua. Teemailtapäivän tavoitteena oli lisätä hoitajien tietämystä hoitosuosituksista sekä edistää valmiuksia etsiä tutkittua tietoa Terveysportin tietokannoista ja Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiön sivuilta sekä edistää tiedon soveltamista käytäntöön. Kaikki teemailtapäivään osallistuneet hoitajat vastasivat palautekyselyyn (N=16). Kyselyn perusteella henkilökunta koki teemailtapäivän hyödylliseksi ja harjaantuivat tietokantojen käytössä. Näyttöön perustuvan tiedon käyttö koetaan tärkeäksi, mutta toteutus jää vaillinaiseksi. Jatkossa on tärkeää lisätä hoitohenkilökunnan tietämystä näyttöön perustuvasta hoitotyöstä sekä tietokannoista, joista luotettavaa tietoa on saatavilla. Tietämystä voitaisiin lisätä esimerkiksi koulutuksilla tai info -tilaisuuksilla. The Meaning of evidence based nursing is to give to patient good quality, up-to-date and affective care and also control the costs. Care plans are effected by available studies, staffs clinical knowledge, patients experience and circumstances. According to the law, patients have the right to good quality and equal care. Thus evidence based nursing must actualize, regardless of other factors. Health care professionals have trustworthy databases to support the daily work, but lack of time and skills to search information have been found challrnging. Health care professionals know the meaning of evidence based practice, but the execution remains insuffient. This thesis process databases of Terveysportti that gives professionals trustable knowledge for making daily decisions and also the occupation of The Finnish centre for evidence-based healty care, which make compressed and easy to use current care guidelines. Commissioning the current care guidelines demands plenty of work. Active implementation is necessary, but so far there is no method that is supreme. The functional part of thesis was a training day for retirement home´s nurses, where there was a discussion about evidence based nursing and trustable information retvieval. The purpose of the training day was to increase the knowledge of the nurses about current care guidelines and advance transferable skills to search evidence based knowledge in Terveysportti databases and the websites of The Finnis centre for evidence-baced health care. The goal was also to advance the knowledge to daily work. Every nurse who took part in the training day answered to a feedback inquiry (N=16). Based on the feedback inquiry, the nurses experienced training day as useful and they become more competent in using databases. In the future, it is important to increase the knowledge of the nursing staff about evidence-based nursing and the databases from which reliable information is available to increase knowledge, for example through training or info events. The Meaning of evidence based nursing is to give to patient good quality, up-to-date and affective care and also control the costs. Care plans are effected by available studies, staffs clinical knowledge, patients experience and circumstances. According to the law, patients have the right to good quality and equal care. Thus evidence based nursing must actualize, regardless of other factors. Health care professionals have trustworthy databases to support the daily work, but lack of time and skills to search information have been found challrnging. Health care professionals know the meaning of evidence based practice, but the execution remains insuffient. This thesis process databases of Terveysportti that gives professionals trustable knowledge for making daily decisions and also the occupation of The Finnish centre for evidence-based healty care, which make compressed and easy to use current care guidelines. Commissioning the current care guidelines demands plenty of work. Active implementation is necessary, but so far there is no method that is supreme.
The functional part of thesis was a training day for retirement home´s nurses, where there was a discussion about evidence based nursing and trustable information retvieval. The purpose of the training day was to increase the knowledge of the nurses about current care guidelines and advance transferable skills to search evidence based knowledge in Terveysportti databases and the websites of The Finnis centre for evidence-baced health care. The goal was also to advance the knowledge to daily work. Every nurse who took part in the training day answered to a feedback inquiry (N=16). Based on the feedback inquiry, the nurses experienced training day as useful and they become more competent in using databases. In the future, it is important to increase the knowledge of the nursing staff about evidence-based nursing and the databases from which reliable information is available to increase knowledge, for example through training or info events.
The functional part of thesis was a training day for retirement home´s nurses, where there was a discussion about evidence based nursing and trustable information retvieval. The purpose of the training day was to increase the knowledge of the nurses about current care guidelines and advance transferable skills to search evidence based knowledge in Terveysportti databases and the websites of The Finnis centre for evidence-baced health care. The goal was also to advance the knowledge to daily work. Every nurse who took part in the training day answered to a feedback inquiry (N=16). Based on the feedback inquiry, the nurses experienced training day as useful and they become more competent in using databases. In the future, it is important to increase the knowledge of the nursing staff about evidence-based nursing and the databases from which reliable information is available to increase knowledge, for example through training or info events.