Practical guide to screen printing in printed electronics
Tuhkala, Teija; Tuomaala, Tomi; Määttä, Harri (2019)
Tuhkala, Teija
Tuomaala, Tomi
Määttä, Harri
Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu, Oamk
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This practical guide to screen printing explains the basics of table top screen printing in printed electronics. It shows how to print electronics with table top screen printing method and provides practical guidelines for learning the basics of multilayer printing. The guide includes principals of the table top screen printing, process parameters, screens and inks used and the manufacturing of a multilayer structure. It explains the printing process from preparations to printing and finishing actions. The printing process is exemplified on an embedded video.
The guide is an overview for the beginners or more experienced to understand the process, and how operations during the printing effects on the printing result. It is a result of ESF co-funded project 'Rapid apps for printed electronics' which aimed to develop the skills for printed electronics competence. The project was carried out at Oulu UAS in 2015–2018.
The guide is an overview for the beginners or more experienced to understand the process, and how operations during the printing effects on the printing result. It is a result of ESF co-funded project 'Rapid apps for printed electronics' which aimed to develop the skills for printed electronics competence. The project was carried out at Oulu UAS in 2015–2018.