Measuring Service Quality at My Suomi Oy
Ihara, Kokoro (2010)
Ihara, Kokoro
HAAGA-HELIA ammattikorkeakoulu
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The objective of this thesis was to create an entire form of research for My Suomi Oy, a small and new travel agency targeting the Japanese market in Helsinki. As there was no previous research conducted to identify the successfulness of their service performance since its foundation in 2006, the research was designed to measure customer satisfaction level as well as service quality.
The main literature review includes the characteristics of tourism products, service quality, and Japanese cultural studies in the tourism context. The unique features of service products are demonstrated in comparison with physical goods, and then the SERVQUAL dimensions and the Gap Model of Service Quality are followed. As culture has a strong influence on one’s decision-making, expectations, perceptions and behavior, Hofstede’s cultural studies are illustrated to get insights into Japanese tourist behavior.
The empirical research was conducted mainly by a quantitative method and to some extent also by a qualitative method. The questionnaire was designed to include both quantitative and qualitative questions based on SERVQUAL dimensions (tangible, responsiveness, promptness, assurance and empathy). The idea was to obtain an overall customer satisfaction level in figures and confirm the results with detailed customer opinion on five different aspects. The questionnaire was distributed as a hyperlink and 54 responses were received. A similar questionnaire was sent to the personnel in order to find perception gaps.
The findings indicate that the customer satisfaction level in general is remarkably high in all aspects of service quality, and the results of the customers and the employees relatively match. The lowest value was found in tangibles such as the homepage although it was not crucial. There was no significant difference in the rest of the variables; however, the best scored variable was assurance meaning that politeness, kindness, professional and knowledge levels were evaluated as excellent.
In conclusion, the overall customer satisfaction is almost up to the highest even though being small and new in business is a big disadvantage due to limited experience and knowledge. At the same time it is an advantage which enables My Suomi Oy to offer intensive attention and warm care to individuals besides new types of tourism products to survive in today’s competitive tourism industry.
The main literature review includes the characteristics of tourism products, service quality, and Japanese cultural studies in the tourism context. The unique features of service products are demonstrated in comparison with physical goods, and then the SERVQUAL dimensions and the Gap Model of Service Quality are followed. As culture has a strong influence on one’s decision-making, expectations, perceptions and behavior, Hofstede’s cultural studies are illustrated to get insights into Japanese tourist behavior.
The empirical research was conducted mainly by a quantitative method and to some extent also by a qualitative method. The questionnaire was designed to include both quantitative and qualitative questions based on SERVQUAL dimensions (tangible, responsiveness, promptness, assurance and empathy). The idea was to obtain an overall customer satisfaction level in figures and confirm the results with detailed customer opinion on five different aspects. The questionnaire was distributed as a hyperlink and 54 responses were received. A similar questionnaire was sent to the personnel in order to find perception gaps.
The findings indicate that the customer satisfaction level in general is remarkably high in all aspects of service quality, and the results of the customers and the employees relatively match. The lowest value was found in tangibles such as the homepage although it was not crucial. There was no significant difference in the rest of the variables; however, the best scored variable was assurance meaning that politeness, kindness, professional and knowledge levels were evaluated as excellent.
In conclusion, the overall customer satisfaction is almost up to the highest even though being small and new in business is a big disadvantage due to limited experience and knowledge. At the same time it is an advantage which enables My Suomi Oy to offer intensive attention and warm care to individuals besides new types of tourism products to survive in today’s competitive tourism industry.