The factors affecting Logistics Service Quality - case study at Saigon New Port Logistics (SNPL), Vietnam
Tran, Linh Ng (2019)
Tran, Linh Ng
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This study is developed with the objectives of identifying factors affecting logistics service quality and measuring quantified effects of these factors in the case study of Saigon New Port Logistics Company. A research model was deployed with Logistics Service Quality as the dependent variable and four independent variables including personnel quality, information quality, order quality, and timeliness. A questionnaire survey was developed and it was given to the customers of the company. The sample size is 100 people who are the customers of the company. A data collection process is established with the questionnaire distributed by email. There were 100 responses obtained and the data was inputted into data analysis process, including descriptive statistics, reliability test, explanatory factor analysis, and linear regression. Descriptive statistics provide useful information related to demographic characteristics of the respondents, including location of the head quarter, number of years since they are established, the net profit margin, and the logistics cost as percentage of the total operating cost. The result revealed that the customers of SNPL are mostly based in Hanoi and HCMC and most of them have operating time less than 5 years. The net profit margin and the logitics cost percentage of total operating cost are both captured. Preliminary analysis was generated with reliability test and exploratory factor analysis. The result obtained showed that all factors which are captured in the research model satisfy the requirements. Linear regression shows that personnel quality, information quality, timliness, and order quality explain for 56.2% of variance of logistics service quality. There was no difference between information quality, order quality and timeliness. In addition, personnel quality seems to be slightly less important. Each, however, independently contributed to explain LSQ.