"kansainvälinen vertailu" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Julkaisut

    • Possibilities of Co-operation in Maritime Occupational Statistics 

      Räisänen, Pekka
      Turun ammattikorkeakoulun raportteja : 183 (Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, 2013)
      Reliable statistics of occupational accidents are necessary for rational improvement of safety of seafarers by benchmarking. Several organisations regularly publish maritime occupational accident data, but the comparisons ...
    • Some uses of accident data in maritime occupational safety 

      Räisänen, Pekka
      Turun ammattikorkeakoulun raportteja : 140 (Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, 2012)
      Work onboard ships subjects the personnel to an increased risk of occupational accidents. To improve the conditions and work methods onboard, understanding of the previous accidents is very useful. The purpose of this ...
    • Views on Future Maritime Occupational Accident Statistics 

      Räisänen, Pekka
      Turun ammattikorkeakoulun puheenvuoroja : 78 (Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, 2013)
      The risk of injury and death due to occupational accidents is in the order of magnitude ten times higher for seafarers than for general population on land. Many maritime authorities publish maritime occupational accident ...