"Fishburn, Jessica" - Selaus tekijän mukaan Julkaisut

    • Digital Playbook Strengthening Valorisation of Research and Innovation Infrastructures 

      Pohjola, Petri; Puurtinen, Hanna-Greta
      LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications: Research Reports (Lappeenranta University of Technology, 2022)
      The current green and digital transitions as well as demands arising from the global competitiveness targets set European industry in a challenging position. Simultaneously, the pandemic has limited our possibilities for ...
    • Innovation to Industry : Transferring Knowledge for Smart Ecosystems 

      Rosado, Alfredo; Pohjola, Petri; Puurtinen, Hanna-Greta; Siivonen, Jere (Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto, 2021)
      Increased competitiveness of European industrial small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs) requires intensive efforts on mainstreaming and embedding digitalisation and Industry 4.0. Related open innovation and co- creation ...