"Lagstedt, Altti" - Selaus tekijän mukaan Julkaisut

    • An outcome of expert-oriented digitalization of university processes 

      Lagstedt, Altti; Lindstedt, Juha P.; Kauppinen, Raine (Springer Science and Business Media, 2020)
      Digitalization challenges the way in which business processes are seen. The potential for enhancement is even recognized in business areas that traditionally have little to do with IT. Even though universities have ...

      Lagstedt, Altti; Aboagye Da-Costa, Caroline; Tsupari, Kaisa; Leite, Lais
      INTED proceedings (International Association of Technology Education and Development, 2023)
      According to the studies completed in Nordic universities (Finland and Sweden), the challenges of a non-digitalized thesis management process can be divided into those that are coordination-specific, supervision-specific ...
    • Context-Aware Digitalization – Adapting solution development to the organizational context of SMEs 

      Nokkala, Tiina; Lagstedt, Altti; Winter, Robert (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2021)
      In the context of digital transformation, it is mandatory for most organizations to conduct information systems development (ISD) projects as part of their digitalization and business development journey. One reason that ...
    • Contextualising thesis process digitalisation at a university in Ghana 

      Leite, Lais Oliveira; Lagstedt, Altti; Awuni Kolog, Emmanuel; Tsupari, Kaisa
      Australasian journal of educational technology : 4 (ASCILITE, 2023)
      This study utilised thesis process as a case to investigate how its digitalisation can improve operational and pedagogical processes. A thesis management system (Wihi), developed during thesis process digitalisation in a ...
    • Digitalisaation pitää tuottaa meille työkaluja! 

      Lagstedt, Altti (Sytyke ry, 2021)
      Selvää on, että hyvillä työkaluilla varustettu asiantuntija saa paljon enemmän aikaan kuin huonoilla työkaluilla varustettu. Esimerkiksi metsuri moottorisahan kanssa on tehokkaampi kuin metsuri pokasahan kanssa. Tietotyössä ...
    • Digitalizing Teaching Processes – How to Create Usable Data with Minimal Effort 

      Kauppinen, Raine; Lagstedt, Altti; Lindstedt, Juha (European University Information Systems, 2020)
      Having enough timely and correct data is essential for decision making, and information systems (IS) are largely used to collect that data. However, the traditional form-based solutions do not always produce adequate data. ...

      Lagstedt, Altti; Kauppinen, Raine; Leite, Lais (IATED, International Association of Technology, Education and Development, 2021)
      When digitalizing education, having a new information system is not enough. As always in a digital transformation, the tasks, practices, rules and processes must also be changed. The problem is that too often the technology ...
    • Edupreneurs recommendation paper 

      Lagstedt, Altti; Leite, Lais (Southern Africa Innovation Support, 2022)
    • Evaluating Success in the Digitalized Thesis Management Process 

      Kauppinen, Raine; Lagstedt, Altti; Lindstedt, Juha (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023)
      Digitalization is relevant to all industries, and there are good reasons for it in education. While it is relatively easy to acquire a new information system, beneficial implementation and sustainable process improvements ...
    • Expert-Oriented Digitalization of University Processes 

      Kauppinen, Raine; Lagstedt, Altti; Lindstedt, Juha P. (Springer International Publishing, 2020)
      Digitalization challenges the way business processes are seen. The potential for enhancement is recognized even in business areas that traditionally have little to do with IT. Even though universities have long traditions ...
    • Exploring contactless techniques in multimodal emotion recognition: insights into diverse applications, challenges, solutions, and prospects 

      Khan, Umair Ali; Xu, Qianru; Liu, Yang; Lagstedt, Altti; Alamäki, Ari; Kauttonen, Janne
      Multimedia systems : 3 (Springer Nature, 2024)
      In recent years, emotion recognition has received significant attention, presenting a plethora of opportunities for application in diverse fields such as human–computer interaction, psychology, and neuroscience, to name a ...
    • Factors Affecting the Adoption of AI by Organizations - From the Perspective of Knowledge Workers 

      Aunimo, Lili; Kauttonen, Janne; Lahtinen, Anna; Lagstedt, Altti; Alamäki, Ari
      IFIP advances in information and communication technology (Springer, 2023)
      The role of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions is growing in all types of organizations. AI is embraced in the hope of increased productivity, quality and satisfaction at work. Therefore, it is essential to study the ...
    • Haaga-Helia digitalisoi opinnäytetyöprosessin – ohjaajat ja opiskelijat rakentamassa Wihiä 

      Lagstedt, Altti; Lindstedt, Juha; Kauppinen, Raine (AMKIT-konsortio, 2021)
      Opinnäytetyöprosessi sitoo suuren määrän ohjaajia, koordinaattoreita sekä toimistohenkilökuntaa, ja opiskelijoiden edistymisestä prosessissa ovat kiinnostuneita myös koulutusohjelmajohtajat ja opiskelijoiden omat opintojen ...
    • Introduction to the Minitrack on Co-Development with Software and Business Engineering Frameworks and Methods 

      Dahlberg, Tomi; Lagstedt, Altti (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022)
      The history of software and information systems (IS) development frameworks, methods and tools exceeds 60 years. Their purpose is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of software and IS development. New or improved ...
    • Menetelmävalinta osa 2: Miten konteksti otetaan huomioon? 

      Lagstedt, Altti (Projektiammattilaiset ry, 2021)
      Saman tietojärjestelmän kehittämismenetelmän käyttö kaikkiin erilaisiin kehitysprojekteihin ei välttämättä ole optimaalinen ratkaisu asiakasyrityksille. Käytännössä silti näyttää, että on olemassa yksi vallitseva ”kanonisoitu” ...
    • On Solving the Business Requirements Engineering Problems of Information Systems Development Projects – Lessons from Three Projects 

      Dahlberg, Tomi; Lagstedt, Altti (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020)
      Information systems development (ISD) often fails. Requirements engineering (RE) problems rank high in ISD project failure statistics. RE is often regarded as the link between business (processes) (BP) and IS. Thus, in RE, ...
    • Opettajat kehittivät sovelluksen työnsä tueksi 

      Kauppinen, Raine; Lagstedt, Altti; Lindstedt, Juha P. (SKO ry., 2020)
    • Opinnäytetyön koettu hyöty alumnien arvioimana 

      Kotila, Hannu; Vanhanen-Nuutinen, Liisa; Mäki, Kimmo; Lagstedt, Altti; Taanila, aki; Aura, Pirjo (Ammatillisen koulutuksen tutkimusseura OTTU ry, 2022)
      Ammattikorkeakouluopintojen opinnäytetöiden aiempi tutkimus on kohdistunut opiskelijan ammatilliseen kasvuun, opinnäytetyön ohjaukseen, arviointiin ja valmistumiseen. Artikkelin uusi näkökulma on opinnäytetyön koetussa ...
    • Opinnäytetyöt ojennukseen 

      Lindstedt, Juha. P.; Lagstedt, Altti
      AMK-lehti/UAS journal : 3 (Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, 2023)
      Opinnäytetöiden ohjaus- ja hallinnointialustana Wihi on haagahelialainen menestystarina. Wihin kehittäminen lähti liikkeelle Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulussa havaitusta tarpeesta selkeyttää prosesseja ja tuottaa työväline ...
    • Personalizing the Learning Process With Wihi 

      Lindstedt, Juha; Kauppinen, Raine; Lagstedt, Altti (University of Maribor, University Press, 2020)
      Societies are changing rapidly because of automation and digitalization, but local and global business environments are also becoming more volatile. Changing societies also place requirements on education: the ...