"games" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt (Avoin kokoelma)

    • A Case Study to determine the success factors of Clash of Clans 

      Singh, Kiran (2021)
      Clash of Clans has been one of the most popular and successful mobile game since its initial launch and release in 2012. For the last whole decade, it has charted every year in the top mobile games list. The purpose of ...
    • Bronto Run Mobile Game for Android: mobile game 

      Hannula, Jere-Joel (2021)
      The purpose of this thesis was to use the Unity game engine software to produce a working game for Android devices and publish the game at Google Play Store. The thesis goes through the tools used in the project, and ...
    • Creating a hovercar racing game with Unreal Engine 

      Keränen, Toni (2024)
      The reason for choosing the game as the subject of my thesis was the fact I was already working on it during my studies. This meant it was a convenient way of combining work and school into one project. I also see this ...
    • Design Patterns in Game Development 

      Kalliokoski, Eleonoora (2023)
      Tutkielma keskittyy ohjelmistojen suunnittelumallien käyttöön pelinkehityksessä sekä käytännön että teorian kautta. Pääasiallinen tavoite on tarjota esimerkkejä suunnittelumallien käytöstä pelinkehitysprosessissa sekä ...
    • Game And Learn : The new approach to studying 

      Nomani, Shibli (2019)
      This thesis is aimed to explain the benefits of studying by playing games along with a demonstration of a working application. The thesis describes method of the study with games while discussing the pros and cons as a ...
    • Growth and Future of video game industry 

      Määttä, Mikko-Petteri (2019)
      This thesis focuses on video games and gaming industry in general, but also looks into the possible effects esports has had on the industry and how game development has changed and how the game industry has affected hardware ...
    • How to Start a Career In E-Sports 

      Tuominen, Moona (2021)
      This thesis is about eSports, also known as electronic sports or competitive gaming. Gaming has grown as a business over the past few decades and eSports rival traditional sports in terms of revenue and viewership numbers. ...
    • Promoting the event for game developers to Japanese market – Case: Game Developers World Championship 

      Fukuda, Hanako (2021)
      The commissioner of this thesis is GDWC – the Game Developers World Championship, which is an online event for game developers and the managements are based in Finland. The author had practical training at GDWC in 2020 and ...
    • The Potential of Unreal Engine 5 in Game Development: Exploring the Capabilities of the Unreal Engine 

      Jokikokko, Venla Helena (2023)
      Independent game developers are challenged to develop high-quality games that can compete in the market as the demand for interactive and visually stunning games continues to grow. With a powerful toolkit and intuitive ...