"web programming" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt

    • Animal heart rate monitor equipment 

      Trung, Van (2019)
      Most of heart diseases and health conditions are reflected by the heart-beat. Especially in the case of surgery, tracking the heart signal is vital to diagnosing the general situation and for making precise predictions in ...
    • Developing an Expense Tracking Application using React and Node.js 

      Khandelwal, Arpit (2022)
      In the past, the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, or Perl) and Java-based applications dominated web development (Java EE, Spring). These stacks contain multiple programming languages, which might be difficult for a ...
    • Laboratory Sample Handling Application Using React.js and Java Spring Boot 

      Byman, Laura (2023)
      Opinnäytetyön ensisijaisia tavoitteina olivat: kehittää sovellus laboratorionäytteiden käsittelyyn ”proof-of-concept” näkökulmasta, sekä laajentaa omaa osaamistani web-sovelluskehitysteknologioissa. Sovellus toteutettiin ...
    • Serverless backend migration from JavaScript to TypeScript 

      Koskela, Jani (2022)
      The goal of the thesis was to migrate serverless Node.js backend consisting of Lambda functions to use TypeScript. Lambda functions were written with JavaScript and were using the Amazon Web Service cloud provider’s services, ...