"data security" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt

    • Big Data Using Cloud Computing in Our Life and Technology 

      Ahmed, Mohamed (2023)
      Big data is a huge volume of collected data that can build the cloud and give access in a reliable way to everyone to utilize and process the collected data. Cloud computing is now one main part of almost every organization’s ...
    • BYOD implementation at HAMK : requirements & simplifying the process for new students 

      Asare, Mathews Saah (2023)
      The aim of this thesis was to find out the experiences and challenges faced by first- and second-year BCA and BEEA students in implementing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), and to propose solutions to simplify the implementation ...
    • Conference Room Reservation Application 

      Huysmans, Ward (2021)
      The purpose of the thesis was to create a proof of concept for the commissioning party. This solution is for an application that will be used for booking a waiting room. This includes creating the web API, creating the ...
    • Creating a website for a programmatically generated NFT collection: solana network 

      Peterfay, Eszter (2022)
      Blockchain facilitates the foundation of the decentralization. Compared to traditional banking systems, it offers a more efficient and secure way of handling transactions. This innovative technology serves as a platform ...
    • Impact and danger of IT 

      Liechti, Jan (2022)
      The thesis sought to analyze the impact and danger IT can have for general Users, companies, and governments. Its main idea was to show how a regular IT user can be the beginning of a war when using IT incautiously. There ...
    • Information Security Testing Plan Model for Secure Software Development 

      Sipponen, Tommi (2022)
      Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii tietoturvatestausmallin toteuttamista. Työn pääasiallinen tuotos on tukevan teoreettisen dokumentaation lisäksi testausdokumentti, josta asiakas saa pohjan käytettäväksi tuleville projekteille. ...
    • IoT authorization with web application 

      Huỳnh, Nam (2021)
      Today, there are many devices which are connected to the internet in buildings, homes or public places. People cannot deny the convenience provided by IOT. However, lots of risks also come along as security, effectiveness. This ...
    • IoT Control using Beckhoff TC3 IoT Data Agent and suggestion for the IoT System at HAMK 

      Vinh, Nguyen (2020)
      Internet of Things (IoT) technology is becoming increasingly popular and widely used in science and technology circles. There is no doubt about the future potential and its involvement to the human modernization. Therefore, ...
    • Practical Applications of Wazuh in On-premises Environments 

      Javid, Hafiz (2024)
      This thesis demonstrates the capability of Wazuh, an open-source cybersecurity tool, in deployment as the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Extended Detection and Response (XDR) platform within on-premises ...
    • Protection of the frontend and backend using Azure Active Directory authentication 

      Konstantinov, Roman (2023)
      The thesis sought to find and implement the methods that Azure Active Directory platform provides to secure web applications. The main point is to find effectiveness of such methods as well as understand advantages and ...
    • SQL versus NoSQL : comparison case MySQL versus MongoDB 

      Vatjalainen, Anna (2023)
      The growing volume of data and the demand for data-driven applications emphasizes the critical role of selecting an appropriate Database Management System (DBMS). This thesis addresses the significant impact of this decision ...