Creating a basic tool for Disaster Recovery Planning
Poskiparta, Simo (2018)
Poskiparta, Simo
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
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In this Master’s Thesis a basic tool for Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) was created. The goal was to create a tool which is easy to use and as self-explaining as possible so that administrators feel it convenient to use in their daily work.
First the basic concepts of contingency, continuity planning and disaster recovery are explained. Also their effect on the subject and their interactions, similarities and differences are explained in the theory section. For meeting the goal of this thesis, it is vital that the administrators’ point of view was taken into account. Their suggestions on how the tool should be created and what it should contain were considered. This was done by creating an administrator questionnaire that gave an insight on how they feel about the subject.
In the second phase the tool was implemented using the selected software and features. After implementation the tool was tested with administrators. Test results and suggestions for future improvement that the test provided are included in the testing section. The testing situation proved that there is a need for this kind of guiding tool with pre fixed fields where administrator can fill in the data without thinking all the possibilities. Administrators that the tool was tested with were also contended with the features that were selected in the tool, and with the fact that they were given a chance to have an effect on the outcome of the tool in the planning phase and in the testing phase.
Although this tool for creating DRP was created for Finnish Meteorological Institute, the tool itself can be used in other organizations and companies as well as in any data center environment.
First the basic concepts of contingency, continuity planning and disaster recovery are explained. Also their effect on the subject and their interactions, similarities and differences are explained in the theory section. For meeting the goal of this thesis, it is vital that the administrators’ point of view was taken into account. Their suggestions on how the tool should be created and what it should contain were considered. This was done by creating an administrator questionnaire that gave an insight on how they feel about the subject.
In the second phase the tool was implemented using the selected software and features. After implementation the tool was tested with administrators. Test results and suggestions for future improvement that the test provided are included in the testing section. The testing situation proved that there is a need for this kind of guiding tool with pre fixed fields where administrator can fill in the data without thinking all the possibilities. Administrators that the tool was tested with were also contended with the features that were selected in the tool, and with the fact that they were given a chance to have an effect on the outcome of the tool in the planning phase and in the testing phase.
Although this tool for creating DRP was created for Finnish Meteorological Institute, the tool itself can be used in other organizations and companies as well as in any data center environment.