IMMIGRANT AND FOREIGNER SINGLE MOTHERS IN HELSINKI : A Product Thesis in Collaboration with the Single Parent Association
Mäkeläinen, Ilona (2017)
Mäkeläinen, Ilona
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Mäkeläinen, Ilona. Immigrant and Foreigner Single Mothers in Helsinki. Hel-sinki, Fall 2017. 36 p., 3 appendices. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Degree Programme in Social Services and Option in Diaconal Social Work. Bachelor of Social Services (UAP) + Qualification for the office of diaconal work in the Church of Finland.
The product thesis, in the form of two videos, is a compilation of interviews of three members of the target group: English speaking immigrant or foreigner single mothers in Helsinki. The first video is for the advertisement of the Single Parent Association and the peer support group they have for immigrant and foreigner single mothers. The second video serves as an informative video about what the life of an immigrant or foreigner single mother looks like con-sidering different aspects of well-being. In addition to the videos, I created a communication plan for the showing and sharing of the videos, for the further development of services immigrant or foreigner single mothers in Helsinki.
The Single Parent Association wants to develop their multicultural work. Thus, the aim of the product and the project were to develop the multicultural work at the association. The aim was to open doors for a wider range in their target group, which is currently mostly Finnish single mothers, despite the openness to all single parents. The target audience is immigrant and foreigner single mothers, organizations working with families and the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church. These videos aim to reach and inform all immigrant and foreigner single mothers, who do not know of the services provided for them. An-other aim is to reach and inform service providers about the multicultural work of the Single Parent Association and the single mothers whom are immigrants or foreigners in Helsinki. This is so that there can be greater collaboration with service providers to create and develop the best services for the target group.
The results of this project were successful in reaching the aims, goals and ob-jectives set out for it. The multicultural work of Single Parent Association and networking with other organizations that might be working with the target group have developed throughout the project. The product was evaluated effective and is believed to continue to serve for the benefit of Single Parent Association and the target group.
The product thesis, in the form of two videos, is a compilation of interviews of three members of the target group: English speaking immigrant or foreigner single mothers in Helsinki. The first video is for the advertisement of the Single Parent Association and the peer support group they have for immigrant and foreigner single mothers. The second video serves as an informative video about what the life of an immigrant or foreigner single mother looks like con-sidering different aspects of well-being. In addition to the videos, I created a communication plan for the showing and sharing of the videos, for the further development of services immigrant or foreigner single mothers in Helsinki.
The Single Parent Association wants to develop their multicultural work. Thus, the aim of the product and the project were to develop the multicultural work at the association. The aim was to open doors for a wider range in their target group, which is currently mostly Finnish single mothers, despite the openness to all single parents. The target audience is immigrant and foreigner single mothers, organizations working with families and the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church. These videos aim to reach and inform all immigrant and foreigner single mothers, who do not know of the services provided for them. An-other aim is to reach and inform service providers about the multicultural work of the Single Parent Association and the single mothers whom are immigrants or foreigners in Helsinki. This is so that there can be greater collaboration with service providers to create and develop the best services for the target group.
The results of this project were successful in reaching the aims, goals and ob-jectives set out for it. The multicultural work of Single Parent Association and networking with other organizations that might be working with the target group have developed throughout the project. The product was evaluated effective and is believed to continue to serve for the benefit of Single Parent Association and the target group.