Kaila, Michelle (2017)
Kaila, Michelle
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Kaila, Michelle. Intercultural Experiences in Social, Health, Employment and Integration Services in Finland: An Immigrant Woman's Perspective. Helsinki, Spring 2017. 45 pages plus appendix. Language: English. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Degree Programme in Social Services, focus in Community Development. Degree: Bachelor of Social Services.
This product thesis, in the form of a booklet, is a compilation of various experiences in intercultural communication during the provision of social, health, employment and integration services in Finland. It aims to serve as a resource to encourage reflection and introspection on intercultural communication for service professionals and social service students in Finland, as well as for the immigrant women of the Neighbourhood Mothers project, in their work.
The 50-page booklet, in Finnish language, is based on group and individual interviews of immigrant women who are participating in the Neighbourhood Mothers project at Nicehearts ry, and of three service professionals working in Finland.
The report outlines the process of carrying out the product-based thesis in collaboration with Neighbourhood Mothers project at Nicehearts ry, and includes relevant theoretical background and thematic research that is based on the information gathered during the interview process. Both the information provided in the report and the experiences in the booklet illustrate the importance of the active dismantling of prejudices, for both eradicating discrimination, and to foster respectful communication in intercultural interactions during service provision.
The intention and concept behind the booklet is that service professionals and social service students, by reading the immigrant women's stories, might identify with some of the elements conveyed in their experiences, facilitating an empathetic connection, whereby stereotypes and the consciousness of differences can be diminished. Furthermore, in reading both the service users' and service professionals' experiences, the readers may become aware of other perspectives to situations with regard to intercultural communications in their work.
Link to booklet:
This product thesis, in the form of a booklet, is a compilation of various experiences in intercultural communication during the provision of social, health, employment and integration services in Finland. It aims to serve as a resource to encourage reflection and introspection on intercultural communication for service professionals and social service students in Finland, as well as for the immigrant women of the Neighbourhood Mothers project, in their work.
The 50-page booklet, in Finnish language, is based on group and individual interviews of immigrant women who are participating in the Neighbourhood Mothers project at Nicehearts ry, and of three service professionals working in Finland.
The report outlines the process of carrying out the product-based thesis in collaboration with Neighbourhood Mothers project at Nicehearts ry, and includes relevant theoretical background and thematic research that is based on the information gathered during the interview process. Both the information provided in the report and the experiences in the booklet illustrate the importance of the active dismantling of prejudices, for both eradicating discrimination, and to foster respectful communication in intercultural interactions during service provision.
The intention and concept behind the booklet is that service professionals and social service students, by reading the immigrant women's stories, might identify with some of the elements conveyed in their experiences, facilitating an empathetic connection, whereby stereotypes and the consciousness of differences can be diminished. Furthermore, in reading both the service users' and service professionals' experiences, the readers may become aware of other perspectives to situations with regard to intercultural communications in their work.
Link to booklet: