Optimising of ERP System Support
Baleevskaia, Daria (2016)
Baleevskaia, Daria
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
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This thesis focuses on improving and optimising the process of the support system for Enterprise Resource Planning system users in the case company to overcome the various negative consequences and to avoid potential risks for business. The case company is a large company that provides outsourcing services in the field of accounting, taxation and business consulting. The scope of the thesis covers a part of a real project being carried out that focuses on improving the IT support of the whole company.
The research process was designed to follow a common approach that is used for action research: a step-by-step process from problem identification, through current state analysis and comparable practices to creating the concept of the new proposal, pilot testing and evaluation. Advantageously, the thesis was based on qualitative data, but it also contains an analysis of some key quantitative data, for example, productivity and profitability data for successful implementation and usage of the Enterprise Resource Planning system. The theoretical framework was built on literature reviews and analysis of best practices regarding approaches to business process improvement, IT management and support.
The proposed improved business process was evaluated by the participants of the project during a feedback session. Moreover, interviews were conducted with stakeholders and the end users of the Enterprise Resource Planning system. The results from the review session indicated that many of the process stakeholders were satisfied with the proposed options for improvements. However, the results also indicated that many process related things needed to be developed.
The outcome of this study culminated in the improved process, which takes into account the company context, as well as in specific directions for the further development and implementation of this proposed process. The author recommends that management of the case company uses the suggestions received during the feedback session as a base for further project steps and implementation of the improved process.
The research process was designed to follow a common approach that is used for action research: a step-by-step process from problem identification, through current state analysis and comparable practices to creating the concept of the new proposal, pilot testing and evaluation. Advantageously, the thesis was based on qualitative data, but it also contains an analysis of some key quantitative data, for example, productivity and profitability data for successful implementation and usage of the Enterprise Resource Planning system. The theoretical framework was built on literature reviews and analysis of best practices regarding approaches to business process improvement, IT management and support.
The proposed improved business process was evaluated by the participants of the project during a feedback session. Moreover, interviews were conducted with stakeholders and the end users of the Enterprise Resource Planning system. The results from the review session indicated that many of the process stakeholders were satisfied with the proposed options for improvements. However, the results also indicated that many process related things needed to be developed.
The outcome of this study culminated in the improved process, which takes into account the company context, as well as in specific directions for the further development and implementation of this proposed process. The author recommends that management of the case company uses the suggestions received during the feedback session as a base for further project steps and implementation of the improved process.