X-Road Web services migration adapter
Sulina, Julia (2016)
Sulina, Julia
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported
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Web services provide a possibility for information transfer between remote applications of different platforms. Estonian X-Road is a large-scale Web service network of state and private organisations’ information systems exchanging data via Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) messages. These applications are unprepared for message alteration, caused by renewal of X-Road protocol for cross-border communication.
The concept of the SOAP intermediary is used to develop an adapter converting X-Road messages on their route, instead of adjusting information systems code. Feasibility of the concept is evaluated by a theoretical enquiry and its implementation approbation. This thesis is a report of the lessons learned while analysing, developing and testing the intermediary.
The results show that the adapter is able to accurately recognize a need for transformation and convert messages at a satisfactory speed. The intermediary proved to be usable with various configurations, which makes it suitable for addressing not only the described X-Road service migration, but also further changes in messaging. Acknowledging that, additional testing of the application on a production-like environment should be performed.
The concept of the SOAP intermediary is used to develop an adapter converting X-Road messages on their route, instead of adjusting information systems code. Feasibility of the concept is evaluated by a theoretical enquiry and its implementation approbation. This thesis is a report of the lessons learned while analysing, developing and testing the intermediary.
The results show that the adapter is able to accurately recognize a need for transformation and convert messages at a satisfactory speed. The intermediary proved to be usable with various configurations, which makes it suitable for addressing not only the described X-Road service migration, but also further changes in messaging. Acknowledging that, additional testing of the application on a production-like environment should be performed.