South Korea as a tourism destination for Finnish travellers
Chu, Sujeong (2016)
Chu, Sujeong
Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu
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The objective of this thesis was to define South Korea as a tourism destination for Finnish travellers. South Korea seems not to be a very popular destination compared to other Asia country for Finnish travellers. This even though Finnair operates daily straight flight to Seoul and there are many business relationships going on between Finland and South Korea. Therefore, the main target respondent of the thesis is Finnish travellers. Research result from Finnish respondents can give evaluation of South Korea tourism marketing and it will help to develop its industry.
The theoretical framework was based on defining the concept of tourism; consumer behav-iour in tourism, types of travellers, classifying destinations and image of destination.
The survey research was conducted during January to March 2016. The survey was formed with mainly quantitative research method, but it included also open-end questions to supplement limitation of quantitative research method. The survey was published on the Webropol (an online survey program) and also face to face survey was conducted in Hel-sinki region. The total sample was 79.
Respondents were asked to scale 11 different factors of South Korea and overall rate is quite good; potential tourist’s expectation was 3,79 out of 5 and rate from travellers who have been to South Korea’s was 3,78 out of 5.
The results of the research show that South Korea’s food culture, exotic culture, IT industry are well known to the Finnish travellers. However, the political issue with North Korea give negative impression to foreign travellers. Finnish travellers’ image of South Korea as tour-ism destination is quite abstract. Except capital city Seoul, Finnish travellers do not know much about South Korea’s tourism sights or products. Therefore, it is recommended to do more visualized marketing to offer specific and clear image of South Korea to attract more travellers. Prior to the marketing, of course it is recommended to develop more tourism products and sights to advertise.
The theoretical framework was based on defining the concept of tourism; consumer behav-iour in tourism, types of travellers, classifying destinations and image of destination.
The survey research was conducted during January to March 2016. The survey was formed with mainly quantitative research method, but it included also open-end questions to supplement limitation of quantitative research method. The survey was published on the Webropol (an online survey program) and also face to face survey was conducted in Hel-sinki region. The total sample was 79.
Respondents were asked to scale 11 different factors of South Korea and overall rate is quite good; potential tourist’s expectation was 3,79 out of 5 and rate from travellers who have been to South Korea’s was 3,78 out of 5.
The results of the research show that South Korea’s food culture, exotic culture, IT industry are well known to the Finnish travellers. However, the political issue with North Korea give negative impression to foreign travellers. Finnish travellers’ image of South Korea as tour-ism destination is quite abstract. Except capital city Seoul, Finnish travellers do not know much about South Korea’s tourism sights or products. Therefore, it is recommended to do more visualized marketing to offer specific and clear image of South Korea to attract more travellers. Prior to the marketing, of course it is recommended to develop more tourism products and sights to advertise.