Utredning av agrologstuderandes tidsbestämda hyreskontrakt vid Novia, Raseborg
Englund, Tommy (2015)
Englund, Tommy
Yrkeshögskolan Novia
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Denna fallstudie är en sammanställning av den information som samlades in i och med
agrologstuderandes och Kustfast olika åsikter om studerandes hyreskontrakt vid
Yrkeshögskolan Novia, Campus Raseborg. I examensarbetets första kapitel presenteras
arbetets bakgrund, syfte och metod. I andra kapitlet presenteras agrologstuderande och
Kustfast samt deras åsikter. Andra intressenter, som också har kontaktats och rådfrågats
presenteras. I tredje kapitlet analyseras hyreskontrakten och deras utformning. I fjärde kapitlepresenteras olika lösningsförslag. I femte kapitlet finns en sammanfattning, diskussion och
avslutning. Insamlingen av uppgifter skedde år 2012-2014. Arbetet färdigställdes år
2015. This thesis critically analysed the rental agreements between the agriculture students and Fastighets Ab Kustregionens Utbildningsfastigheter. This investigation turned out to become an intense case study it got its start when friends started to explain about their difficult economic situation. The situation has become even more difficult when they could not terminate their contracts as they could before. This led to discussions with the lesser, students and also various experts in their fields.
The conclusion is mainly based on interviews, discussions and e-mails. Some contacts have repeatedly been visited as new issues have emerged in retrospect. Law texts, a book on Canvas model and Monenelainen tapaustutkumus have been important sources for this work.
Various solutions have been analysed, one proposal aimed to prevent misunderstandings for students. To create a co-apartment system for the building has also been analysed. To analyse it legally have been requested and an investigation has been done. What to think about renting to others as an alternative and if it is possible. Lastly, hot the student’s financial aid works in this situation.
Since different proposal have been developed and analysed, the work have been limited and there is the opportunity to continue studies about the topic.
agrologstuderandes och Kustfast olika åsikter om studerandes hyreskontrakt vid
Yrkeshögskolan Novia, Campus Raseborg. I examensarbetets första kapitel presenteras
arbetets bakgrund, syfte och metod. I andra kapitlet presenteras agrologstuderande och
Kustfast samt deras åsikter. Andra intressenter, som också har kontaktats och rådfrågats
presenteras. I tredje kapitlet analyseras hyreskontrakten och deras utformning. I fjärde kapitlepresenteras olika lösningsförslag. I femte kapitlet finns en sammanfattning, diskussion och
avslutning. Insamlingen av uppgifter skedde år 2012-2014. Arbetet färdigställdes år
The conclusion is mainly based on interviews, discussions and e-mails. Some contacts have repeatedly been visited as new issues have emerged in retrospect. Law texts, a book on Canvas model and Monenelainen tapaustutkumus have been important sources for this work.
Various solutions have been analysed, one proposal aimed to prevent misunderstandings for students. To create a co-apartment system for the building has also been analysed. To analyse it legally have been requested and an investigation has been done. What to think about renting to others as an alternative and if it is possible. Lastly, hot the student’s financial aid works in this situation.
Since different proposal have been developed and analysed, the work have been limited and there is the opportunity to continue studies about the topic.