Burnt Out Online - A case study of YouTuber burnout
Koskelainen, Emma (2020)
Koskelainen, Emma
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The subject area of this research is YouTuber burnout. This is a qualitative case study of five YouTubers in their twenties and thirties who have openly talked about mental health problems online. The primary research question is “What are the causes of YouTuber burnout?”. Qualitative research methods combined with the case study were applied to collect information. Analysis was conducted from interviews, vlogs and video essays of the cases being transparent about mental health problems, primarily burnout. The discourse was analysed to find common factors between the cases. The most common feelings, reasons and solutions of and for burnout were measured. Furthermore, the themes were put through the lens of clinical professionals to validate the cases experiences of burnout. The results show that all of the common themes found amongst the cases correlate to burnout predictors noted by psychologists. The results of earlier research differed in the aspect of economics. YouTubers most often work from home, so the days get longer. The passion for their job and feeling of accountability towards their viewers tends to result in the feeling of too much pressure, which feeds the burnout. The findings suggest that emotional issues rise to the surface when all the basic needs in life are taken care of and there is seemingly nothing to worry about. The creators often do not understand why they feel miserable. Partly, since burnout is generally thought to happen amongst doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, police officers and the like. But more so, because they do not have enough knowledge on the subject.